Laga soo bilaabo uur-qaadka hooyadu ay ilmaha ku qaado illaa inta ay ka umulayso waxa ay ubaahantahay daryeel joogto ah . Hooyadu marka ay ilmaha qaaddo dhammaan xubnayaasha jidhkeedu way isbedelayaan ,way-dabcayaan sidoo kale shaqo badan ayaa ay xubnayaashu ay qabanayaan. Xilliga ay uurka siddo waxa ugu wanaagsan ee hooyada lagu ilaaliyaa xaaladeeda waa kawar hayn ,dhakhtar joogto ah oo …
Vitamin E is a crucial nutrient that plays various roles in maintaining our health. Here are some key points regarding its importance and sources: – Antioxidant Protection: One of the primary roles of vitamin E is its antioxidant function. It helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can harm cells and contribute to …
Ascorbic acid, commonly known as vitamin C, offers several potential health benefits for the skin when applied topically. Here are some of the benefits of ascorbic acid on the skin: When using ascorbic acid topically, it’s important to consider a few things. Ascorbic acid is unstable and can be easily degraded by exposure to air, light, and heat. Look for …