Hass avocados, which have dark green, nubbly skin, are the most popular variety in the United States. They’re abundant in healthy fats, fiber, and several micronutrients associated with cardiovascular health: Harvard articles.
CoffeePositive Effects: Some studies suggest that moderate coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of stroke. This could be due to coffee’s antioxidant properties and its ability to improve vascular health.Negative Effects: High caffeine intake might raise blood pressure temporarily, which could be a risk factor for stroke in some individuals. Mohamed ibrahim/ Mihnadle caafimaad. ★ ★ ★ …
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Waa maxay Folic Acid? Folic acid waa qaab dadku sameeyo oo fiitamiin B ah oo loo yaqaan folate. Folate wuxuu ka ciyaaraa door muhiim ah soo saarida unugyada dhiiga CAS-CAS wuxuuna caawiyaa tubada neerfaha ee cunugaaga inuu yeesho maskaxda iyo xudunta laf-dhabarka. GOORMA AYAAD BILAABI KARTAA QAADASHADA FOLLIC ACID? Waxa aad bilaabi kartaaa 3-4 toddobaad …
Vitamin-nadu waa kaabaha jidhkeena iyo hab difaaceena ,marnaba kama maarano cunto dheeli tiran in aynu cunno haddii ay dhici waydo kawaran ,waa in uu qofku uu qaato fiitamiino dheeli tira nafaqo ahaan maalintii inta uu u baahan yahay. Vitaminada qaar hadii qofka ay ka yaraadaan waxa uu isku arkaa calaamado badan oo lala xidhiidhiyo hadba vitamin ka ka dhiman qofka. …
Dengue fever is a viral infection that spreads from mosquito to peaple. its more common in tropical and subtropical climates. Symptoms of dengue fever are :- People with these severe symptoms should get care right away. After recovery, people who have had dengue may feel tired for several weeks. Diagnose and treatment. There is no specific treatment for dengue fever …
Vitamin E waa mid ka mid ah fiitamiinada aynu ka helno dhirta. Faaiidooyinka uu uleeyahay jidhkeena waxa ka mid ah in uu jidhka ka yareeyo sunta kaga imanaysa dibadda ,cuntada ha ahaato ama daawooyinka. Wadnaha waxa uu ka ilaaliyaa sunta iyo caabuqa badan ee muruqyada ku dhaca. Iskubuuqa ,fekerka badan iyo xasuusta oo qofka ka guurta ayuu daawo u yahay …
Preventing complications during pregnancy involves a multifaceted approach that focuses on prenatal care, lifestyle modifications, and prompt management of any emerging issues. Here are some key strategies to help prevent complications in pregnant women:
Vitamin C has many benefits in our body ,in our body doesn’t make vitamin c. Sources of vitamin c included ,bell pepper,brocolli,kiwifruit, strawbery,tomatoes,brussels sprouts, citrus frutis,oranges,papaya and red cabbage. Vitamin C Deficiency Symptoms: 1.May reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Vitamin c is a strong antioxidant ,helps to reduce the risk of chronic diseases. 2. May help manage of high …
Calool socod laan,dibiro joogto ah,jawaab degdeg ah oo aad waydo marka aad waxcunto 4 saacadood kadib ayaa ah cilad weyn oo ka jirta habdhiska-dheef mareenka. Dhibaatooyinka uu keeno calool istaaggu waxa ka m id ah : 1. Degenaanshiyo la’aan caloosha ah iyo casiraad. 2. Saxaradu in ay xidho mindhicirada. 3. Babaasiir samaysanta. 4. Saxarada ku adkaata mindhicirada waxa ay keeni …
Vitamin E is a crucial nutrient that plays various roles in maintaining our health. Here are some key points regarding its importance and sources: – Antioxidant Protection: One of the primary roles of vitamin E is its antioxidant function. It helps protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can harm cells and contribute to …