Sonkortu waa dilaa qarsoon! Cilmibaaris baaxad ballaaran oo uu daabacay PubMed Central (Jan. 2024) oo ka kooban ilaa 77 daraasadood waxay muujisay in uu xiriir togan (Positive Correlation) ka dhexeeyo isticmaalka sonkorta iyo hoos u dhaca garashada ama garaadka (Human Cognition) ee dadka iyagu caafimaadka qaba. Dhammaan daraasadahaaasi waxay soo jeediyeen in si adag loo xakameeyo cunidda iyo isticmaalka sonkorta. …
Mineral deficiency occurs when the body lacks essential minerals needed for various physiological functions. Here are some common types of mineral deficiencies, their causes, symptoms, and potential health impacts: 2. Calcium Deficiency 3. Magnesium Deficiency 4.Zinc DeficiencyCauses: Inadequate dietary intake, malabsorption, chronic illnesses.Symptoms: Impaired immune function, hair loss, delayed wound healing.Health Impact: Increased susceptibility to infections and skin issues. 5. …
Complications related pregnancy. Pregnant women may face various complications that can affect their health and the health of their baby. Here are some common complications:- 1. Gestational Diabetes Preeclampsia Preterm Labor Placenta Previa Ectopic Pregnancy Miscarriage Anemia Infections Hyperemesis Gravidarum Mental Health Issues Thrombosis Fetal Growth Restrictions Prevention and Management