Bird flu.

Bird flu, or avian flu, is an infectious type of influenza that spreads among birds. In rare cases, it can affect humans. There are lots of different strains of bird flu virus. Most of them don’t infect humans. But there are 4 strains that have caused concern in recent years: H5N1 (since 1997) H7N9 (since 2013) H5N6 (since 2014) H5N8 …


Hargabka shimbiraha, ama hargabka avian, waa nooc hargab faafa oo ku faafa shimbiraha dhexdooda sida digaaga . Marar dhif ah, waxay saameyn ku yeelan kartaa aadanaha. Cudurka hargabka shimbiraha ‘aadka u faafa’ wuxuu ka dillaacay laba gobol oo Shiineys ah oo u dhow Hubei tan iyo bilowgii bisha iyadoo Beijing ay la halgameyso sidii loo xakameyn lahaa sheekada ‘coronavirus’ ee …