Ear infections can lead to temporary or even permanent hearing loss, depending on various factors. Here’s an overview of ear infections and how they relate to deafness: Types of Ear Infections How Ear Infections Cause Deafness. Symptoms of Hearing Loss Due to Ear Infections Prevention and Treatment
Neuropathy waa xanuun badanaa ka dhasha sonkorowga,waxa dhaawacma peripheral nervous system ka meelaha ay ku dhamaadaan sida faraha ,dhegaha sanka iyo xubinta taranka ragga. Qofku waxa uu ka dareemaa meelahaa hab dareenku uu ku dhamaanayo kabuubyo joogto ah iyo gariir. Calaamadaha lagu garto xanuunkan waxa ka mid ah: SIDEE AYAA UU UGA HORTAGI KARAA QOFKA MACAANKA QABAA XANUUNKA NEUROPATHY? FIITAMIINADA …
Vitamin-nadu waa kaabaha jidhkeena iyo hab difaaceena ,marnaba kama maarano cunto dheeli tiran in aynu cunno haddii ay dhici waydo kawaran ,waa in uu qofku uu qaato fiitamiino dheeli tira nafaqo ahaan maalintii inta uu u baahan yahay. Vitaminada qaar hadii qofka ay ka yaraadaan waxa uu isku arkaa calaamado badan oo lala xidhiidhiyo hadba vitamin ka ka dhiman qofka. …
Dengue fever is a viral infection that spreads from mosquito to peaple. its more common in tropical and subtropical climates. Symptoms of dengue fever are :- People with these severe symptoms should get care right away. After recovery, people who have had dengue may feel tired for several weeks. Diagnose and treatment. There is no specific treatment for dengue fever …